Corporate Governance

Declaration of Compliance

This section contains the Declaration of Compliance by Knaus Tabbert AG pursuant to the German Stock Corporation Act, Section 161.

Declaration on Corporate Governance

This section contains the Declaration on Corporate Governance by Knaus Tabbert AG pursuant to section 289f of the German Commercial Code.

Director’s Dealings

Directors’ Dealings are disclosed below in line with the reporting and disclosure requirements for the purchase and sale of shares in or instruments related to Knaus Tabbert AG by members of the Company’s executive and supervisory bodies, which are laid down in Article 19 of the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR).

Articles of Association

Here you can download the Articles of Association of Knaus Tabbert AG.


Here you can download the remuneration system and the remuneration report of Knaus Tabbert AG.



All information on Knaus Tabbert AG’s management can be found on our website in the section „Management‟.

Supervisory Board

All information on Knaus Tabbert AG’s Supervisory Board can be found on our website in the section „Supervisory Board‟. The Rules of Procedure for the Supervisory Board can be downloaded below.